Friday, July 30, 2010

365 days...

Better known as one year... I made it. I made it with the help and love and support of my friends and family - and for the past month, the help of AA.

I cannot sing the praises of AA enough - this was the best move EVER.

I'm happy... in almost all areas of my life right now. I say almost with a bit of a grimace. Maybe one day all areas will be happy, I'm sure hoping so.

But if it's not? I'll be ok. I'm a brave girl, remember?


aimee said...

{{{hug}}} you are amazing. i'm glad to know you.

Lynette said...

We can't say enough how proud we are of you. Keep on doing what you are doing. It is all good.

Just Me said...

So proud of you my friend!